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Et si s’appliquer de la crème sur le visage était devenu has been ? On le voit depuis quelques mois, les compléments alimentaires sont partout et font tout : belle peau, beaux cheveux, beaux ongles…

L’étape suivante ? Les compléments alimentaires sous forme de gomme. Ils sont de plus en plus répandus et ce n’est pas pour me déplaire. De mon côté, les compléments alimentaires, je ne trouve pas ça sexy du tout. Je n’ai rien contre l’idée, mais cela manque cruellement de sensorialité. Comparé à ma crème de jour par exemple. Du coup, j’oublie systématiquement de les consommer. Et forcément, cela ne fonctionne pas.

Alors quand j’ai vu ces compléments alimentaires chez Lashilé, nommés Good Skin, présentés sous forme de gomme, j’ai dit « oui ». Pourquoi ? Parce qu’en fait, c’est exactement comme des bonbons. Et là tu te dis que le truc rassemble deux passions : manger et prendre soin de soi. Et manger… Avec du goût, de la texture et du sucre. Joie, bonheur, tout est parfait.

 Cela fait donc quelques semaines maintenant que je teste ces gommes Good Skin pour rendre ma peau encore plus sublime. Elles contiennent de l’Acide Hyaluronique, du Coenzyme Q10, de la Vitamine C et de la Vitamine E. Tout ça dans le but de lutter contre les signes de l’âge, les rides, les tâches tout en hydratant la peau. Le plus ? Elles conviennent à tout le monde, hommes comme femmes, les vegans… Oui, tout le monde a le droit d’avoir une belle peau chez Lashilé !

Alors quelle est la promesse : une peau plus lisse, plus ferme et un teint éclatant. Ai-je vu un changement ? Franchement, je ne sais pas si c’est du totalement à ces gommes de beauté, mais j’avoue que je trouve ma peau super en ce moment. Pour tout vous dire, au bureau, nous sommes plusieurs à consommer ces petites gommes chaque matin (2 par jour, pas plus !) et plusieurs ont noté avoir une plus belle peau qu’avant. Alors est-ce exclusivement grâce à Good Skin, on ne saura jamais vraiment, mais toujours est-il qu’on a tous une meilleure gueule depuis qu’on grignote ces petites gommes.
Et pour celles et ceux qui ont besoin d’un argument supplémentaire, sachez que ces gommes vous donnent une bonne excuse pour grignoter. Vous pouvez lancer « bah non je mange pas de bonbon, je prends soin de ma peau ». Et bim !

Hello , To this new blog
I did an Abercrombie & Fitch order last week because the knees had gone through on my favourite skinny jeans. To be quite honest with you, I’m no longer sure that superskinny jeans are really the best cut for me anymore, but they seem to be the only jeans made stretchy enough to go around my doughy, highly-temperamental post-baby torso (I reckon it fluctuates in girth on an almost daily basis) and so I ordered a load more in the same cut and size.
And some shirts, and a vest top and a cashmere cardigan, and some henley tops, which are in a style called Soft AF, which I took to mean “Soft As F*ck” but then later realised that the AF stood for Abercrombie & Fitch.
HOLD THE FRONT PAGE: I’ve just been back on the site to check and it does say Soft AF! Not Soft A&F! Is this a sneaky little play about with words or did they just not want to bother with the ampersand? It’s not particularly on (wholesome American beach-loving young incredibly good-looking people) brand, is it, to call a range Soft As F*ck? (I’m taking the u out of fuck in case loads of naughty people end up here after searching bad words. It happened once when I did a review on that podcast, My Dad Wrote A P*rno. Even though I took the first O out of porno, I still got loads of dodgy traffic! The mind boggles. Something must have slipped the net…)
I just can’t imagine the people at A&F sitting around their boardroom table and coming up with “Soft AF”.
“What can we call this new really soft and cosy range? Bern? Chuck?”
“How about Soft As Fuck, Carl?”
Then again, maybe they are being all “down with the kids”. I know I am – that’s how I’m aware of what AF stands for in the first place! Check me the F out. I’m lit. When it comes to slang I am queen/qween, yas I am.
Anyway, before you all die of old age and/or feel the need to slowly smash your own face into your desktop, repeatedly, here’s the video. If you’re at work and supposed to be preparing a powerpoint presentation with the Q4 profits and losses then I highly recommend you just watch it with the sound off and skip through it at twenty second intervals. That’ll give you a good idea of what’s going on without getting you fired – it’s not the sort of video you need to listen to, particularly, though I do make some low-level quips that are probably about a two or three out of five on the funniness scale.

Dubai Festival City Mall has announced the launch of its first cinema on a helipad.

In collaboration with Toyota, Dubai Festival City Mall announced the launch of its first helipad cinema in a unique experience in Dubai this week. The cinema will showcase popular family films such as: Overdrive, Power Rangers, Valerian, City of Thousand Planets, Monsters Family, Florence Foster Jenkins, all night from 22 February to 15 April.

Dubai Festival City Mall offers a chance to win a free ticket to a movie show at the helipad cinema and enjoy an evening outdoors by offering a purchase invoice at any of the mall's stores.

The former helicopter landing area was developed through the development and rebuilding of Dubai Festival City Mall into a space to enjoy the spectacular sunset view of the Dubai skyline and Burj Khalifa and take pictures. Now the mall lets you enjoy an exceptional experience by watching movies with friends and family members outdoors in this magnificent space.

In addition to this unique experience, the mall, in cooperation with Toyota, will also be able to attend the Toyota Camry Imagine and experience the new Toyota Camry.

Dishwashing and dishwashing is a tedious, boring nightmare for every woman, especially after feasting.

After cooking and eating, the real battle of the woman begins in the kitchen, and in one moment she wishes to clean these dishes without feeling tired or stressed. Washing dishes and cleaning the sink is difficult for all women. But the dishwasher, already a magical solution, did the job! Yes K There is a magical invention appeared during the last years of the last century is a dishwasher. So, dear to you today, everything about the dishwasher, what are the advantages and disadvantages? How are they maintained? Follow this article and learn about the dishwasher.

 What is a dishwasher

Dishwasher or dishwasher is one of the most important electrical appliances that must be available inside each home to save time and effort. The dishwasher can turn dirty dishes into clean and sterile dishes without the woman interfering with anything, except to put her dishes and powder inside. The dishwasher has the ability to remove fatty substances, sauces and unwanted materials, and can help you clean your kitchen effortlessly. Therefore, it is very important at home, so you can enjoy the comfort and quiet without feeling nervous and annoyed by the accumulation of dishes after you finish cooking and eating.

 Features of the dishwasher

There are many advantages of a dishwasher. It helps women clean dishes and remove debris and food residues with disinfection and sterilization with very hot water, to get rid of bacteria and fungi that cause many diseases. One of the most important features of the dishwasher is that it consumes less water than the dishwasher. Also, the dishwasher uses less soap, and has the ability to wash dishes and glass cups better with disinfecting dishes to remove infectious germs and microbes. The dishwasher also uses little electricity to wash kitchen appliances. It also protects your hands from dehydration and greatly saves time, effort and comfort.

 Disadvantages of the dishwasher

Just as there are some advantages and disadvantages to the dishwasher, this does not prevent the presence of some negatives as well. One of them is that the dishwasher occupies a large area in the kitchen, and it must be a high efficiency in the use of water and energy, so that it can play its role naturally. A disadvantage of the dishwasher is that the dishwasher must be filled with dishes in order for the cycle to be complete. That is, if your family is small of 2 or 3 people, you may have to leave the dishes for several days inside the dishwasher until they are full, which is unhealthy as bacteria and microbes multiply. Also, the dishwasher unfortunately does not have much potential to wash cookware and tea pots, and you may have to wash delicate or very dirty items with your hands at times. This is in addition to the high price of the washing machine as well as the price of washing powder.

 Ways to make a washing powder for the dishwasher

Due to the problem of the high cost of washing powder for your dishwasher, we are keen to provide you with a great way to make this powder inside your home with natural and effective ingredients.

the ingredients

 Two cups of baking soda

 Half a cup of laundry soda

 A glass of borax

 A quarter cup of salt

 And a quarter cup of citric chickpeas

Two tablespoons of lemon oil


Mix the ingredients together in a bottle, and place them in a dishwasher bowl with a little vinegar.

How do you maintain a dishwasher

There are a few simple steps that must be followed to keep the washing machine safe and secure, and to prevent it from clogging. One of the most important is to get rid of leftovers and waste products before placing the pots and containers in the washing machine to prevent clogging of the filter. You should also open the hot water tap for at least two minutes to make it easier to melt the accumulated fat. You should also be careful to rinse the washing machine basket with vinegar and run a rinse cycle once a month to keep the laundry basket clean spoons and dishes.

Luulu, a manufacturer of baby cribs, has launched the world's most expensive gold crib at a cost of US $ 60,000.

Launched in Dubai, the world's most expensive baby cradle made by yacht designers, this Maserati leather is crafted in 24k gold plated and studded with luxury Swarovski diamonds.

The company will make its Middle East debut by launching this luxury bed at INDEX in March. The four-day Index International Furniture and Interior Design Exhibition in Dubai will showcase this gold bed, which costs AED 220,000, the equivalent of renting a two-bedroom apartment in Burj Khalifa for a full year.

The baby's cot is simply designed to resemble the womb of the mother, and the company already has a waiting list for people wishing to have this extraordinary luxury piece to welcome their children in the world's most expensive cradle.

The strength of women is one of the most important factors of attractiveness and femininity, where every woman loves to appear more feminine and attractive appearance. But sometimes women suffer from small areas of the body that highlight the femininity and beauty of women and most importantly the chest area.

A woman's chest is one of the most beautiful and attractive places. There are some women resort to breast augmentation surgeries. There are some women who fear surgical exposure, and others may not have enough possibilities to perform breast augmentation surgery where it is very expensive in most cases, and can be counterproductive. Therefore, we offer you some methods of breast augmentation exercises that you can exercise at home yourself without any difficulty, and these exercises have proven effective in breast augmentation.

Body weight pressure exercise

This is one of the best exercises to help tighten the chest pains and works to enlarge the chest and lift it up in a short period. In this exercise, sleep on your abdomen on the floor, and then lift your body from the ground with the arms. Repeat this exercise 12 times a day. It may be difficult at first to do the exercise every day, so you can start three times a week, and each time you repeat the exercise only six times, and then increase the number of times gradually until you pray from 12 to 15 times a day. You will notice a significant change in the chest area after about a month of continuing the exercise, and it is advisable not to stop the exercise suddenly even if you reach the results you want.

Put your arms back

This is one of the simple exercises that can be started before starting the most difficult exercises to enlarge the chest. Straighten your arms in front of you and then bring your arms back behind your back.Try to hold your hands behind your back.Stay this position for one to five minutes.Repeat the workout again.Do this exercise for 5 to 15 minutes a day.

Weightlifting exercise

This exercise is one of the great exercises in breast augmentation and lifting as well as it helps strengthen the muscles of the hands and arms. Start by sitting on the floor or on the chair, and then carry two weights in each hand in each hand, at first make sure that the weight does not exceed 1 - 2 kg so as not to put pressure on the arms significantly. Then you can increase the weight of the weight to 35 kg. Raise the arms while holding the heavens and make sure that the arm is straight up. Hold this position for 3 to 5 minutes as you can. Repeat this exercise three times a week, but if you have pain in your neck or arms, consult your doctor before doing this exercise.

Butterfly exercise

Helps to enlarge and tighten the chest area and remove sagging. It also helps to strengthen the chest muscles in addition to strengthening the muscles of the arms and shoulder. Put in each hand a weight that the weight of one weight between 2 to 5 kg, you can exercise this exercise while sitting or standing as desired. Stretch your arms to the sides and then attach them to the chest area from the front. Repeat this exercise 10 to 20 times as much as you can. Workout is recommended at least three times a week. Exercise can be practiced throughout the week for faster results.

Wall pressing exercise

This exercise is effective in breast augmentation and helps to lose arms. Stand straight near the wall and put your palms on the wall.Press the wall with your hands and then come back with your body weight. Repeat 10 to 20 times a day.This is an easy exercise that you can start with. It resembles a body weight pressure exercise on the ground but is simpler than it is.

Buttocks and buttocks are problems that can cause embarrassment and discomfort, especially when they do not respond to diet and diets. It is worth mentioning that aerobic exercise is the best way to get rid of the buttocks in a fast and safe manner and will help you tighten the skin and reduce the effects of stretch marks.

Here are five simple exercises you can do at home to get rid of the buttocks and thighs without the need for complex equipment.
Exercise 1:

It is a simple exercise that helps to burn fat buttocks and it helps to stimulate blood circulation and strengthen the hamstrings.

Take a standing position with the feet attached, and it is advisable to use appropriate weights and raise them at the level of the shoulders. Take a step back with the knee lying on the ground and then repeat it alternately with the other foot and then lying on the knees together and return to a standing position again. Repeat the exercise 10 times per group.
Exercise II and the status of the ballerina:

Take a sitting position with one foot bent forward and the other foot back. Lean your hands on the floor and then raise the rear foot as much as possible, taking care to be the pressure exerted on the butt and not on the front knee. Hold this position for 15 seconds, then place it on the ground for 10 seconds and repeat 10 times per foot.

Exercise 3:

Take a standing position with the help of appropriate weights and raise it in the shoulders level, bend the right knee behind the left foot with the left foot bent 90 degrees, and then return to stand again. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then repeat it with the other foot.

Exercise 4:

Lie on the back with your feet tight and knees together.Lift your butt with your feet to the ground and your heels. Open the knees and continue lifting the butt for 10 seconds.Then, combine the knees.Repeat 5 times, return to lying down and resting slightly, and repeat the exercise five more times.

Exercise 5:

Step 1: Stand with lower hands on both sides of the body and use appropriate weights. Bend the right foot back and bend the left at a 90 degree angle, move the butt up and down, hold the feet to the previous position and then return to the standing position.

Step 2: Bend the right foot at a 90 degree angle, extend the left as far as possible with your hands lowered down and then back to a standing position again. Repeat the exercise in two steps 10 times per foot.
These exercises tighten the buttocks, legs, butt, stimulate blood circulation, tighten the skin and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.You can exercise once or three times a week for satisfactory results.

Rose water has many health and aesthetic benefits for the body and skin care and hair and enter into the manufacture of a lot of cosmetics. Here is a natural trick to use rose water to enlarge the chest.

Several new recipes of rose water have recently spread to enlarge a woman's breasts or breasts in a natural and safe way. These recipes are for anyone with a small breast size and want to enlarge them through natural ingredients rather than common cosmetic procedures. These recipes spread quickly among women because they needed them after they tried several attempts and other recipes to enlarge the chest without any result. Fortunately all ingredients are natural, easy and constantly available in your kitchen! But let us first learn about the most important aesthetic benefits of rose water and then how to prepare rose water at home.

The benefits of rose water to enlarge the size of the chest

Rose water has many aesthetic benefits, especially to enlarge the size of a woman's chest. It has been a long time since the experiences of a large group of women applied the recipes of water and rose oil on the chest and surprised by the impressive results. Studies have shown that rose water has a tremendous ability to enlarge the size of the chest three times its normal size in just one month. The reason is that rose water helps improve blood circulation and blood flow to the chest and contributes to prevent the formation of germs and bacteria on the skin. It also addresses the problem of skin irritation and itchiness and eliminates the increased sensitivity that appears under the breasts when wearing bras for long periods. Not only that, but rose water gives the chest vitality and freshness and gain sufficient moisture and it also protects the skin of the chest from the cracks and wrinkles resulting from lactation. All this in addition to its aromatic fragrance that lasts for a long time on the body.

the way to make rose, S water at home

Unnatural rose water bottles are spread out in the market, which is of no use to them on the health or cosmetic level because they contain a large proportion of water beside the rose water becomes a light solution and not concentrated. In order to enjoy the original rose water and the concentration, effectiveness and refreshing smell more urban in one of these ways:

The first way

Soak a natural rose petal in a bowl of water and leave it in the sun for two hours. After it is well moistened, mash it and place it in another container. Leave until the color changes to pink and then drain and get fresh and concentrated rose water.

The second way

Put the rose petals in the sun and then put in the blender until it dissolves completely and then apply a few drops of water and alcohol. After the alcohol evaporates. You can buy a distillation device and place a quantity of rose petals in distilled water, extract them directly from the rose water.

Rose water recipes to enlarge the size of the chest

Prepare a cup of rose water, two tablespoons of ground fenugreek, two tablespoons of ground chickpeas, two tablespoons of lemon peel and two tablespoons of orange peel. Mix all these ingredients in a suitable saucepan and place on low heat while continuing to stir until all the ingredients are combined.

Raise the mixture from the heat and leave it for a while to calm down a bit, and distribute it to your chest and circular movements. Massage the mixture with your fingers and very gently very. Leave the mixture on your chest for ten minutes and rinse your chest with lukewarm water. You can make this recipe twice a week for a month and you will notice the difference.

Another way to prepare rose water for breast augmentation is to drink rose water. This recipe is preferred not to be prepared at home and be sure to buy them from the markets because they are certainly subject to refining and purification operations unlike that made at home. Drink rose water by mixing a quarter cup of rose water into 1 liter of mineral water or 1 liter of natural juices. You can drink three cups a day at intervals of the day, or drink one cup of rose water after each meal for a month.